A Good Day Fishing

A Good Day Fishing - Becoming Fishers of Men

Becoming Fishers of Men

John takes us from a night of unfruitful fishing by the disciples to a huge catch just by throwing the net over the right side of the boat. Jesus, as He promised, was going to make the disciples “Fishers of Men” (see Matthew 4:19). Upon returning to shore the men share a breakfast cooked by Jesus and He spends time with them in fellowship. Taking Peter aside Jesus challenges Peter to tend and shepherd His sheep and not to be concerned about what is Jesus concern.

Pastor Dwight <><

In the previous sermon These Have Been Written, we examined the Biblical account of the witnesses to the resurrection. Mary Magdalene discovered that, despite protected by Roman guards, Jesus’ tomb was empty. Jesus, soon after, appeared to the other disciples. The revelation of Jesus’ resurrection emboldened their faith. The chapter ends with John’s purpose for having written his gospel account:

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

John 20:31

In this concluding sermon to the series Preaching Through John, we studied John 21, the final chapter of the Gospel of John. Sometime after the events of chapter 20, Jesus was absent from the disciples for a while. Then, at the beginning of chapter 21, Jesus returned, finding the disciples in the middle of fishing. Listen as Pastor Dwight relates this chapter to our own calling to go forth, share the good news of Jesus, and care for one another.

Notes: Sermon available for online listening until February 23rd, 2020. To view more sermons, visit our Sermon Archive.